About Me

Education & Experience

Remote, CA
Engineering Operations Analyst
04/2021 - Present
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA
B.S. in Data Science and B.S. in Joint Mathematics and Economics
09/2016 - 12/2020


Data Engineering Projects

Twitter Real Time K-Pop Popularity

Kafka and Spark Structured Streaming

Full Stack Projects

Ecommerce Website using Spring Boot and Angular

Full Stack Project

Machine Learning Projects

Rental Clothing Review Fit Prediction

Machine Learning Project using Python

Skills & Certifications

Programming Languages

SQL, Python, Java, JavaScript

Frameworks & Tools

Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, MapReduce, Hadoop, Angular, BigQuery, GCP Dataflow, Airflow, GCP Build

Visualization Tools

Google Data Studio, Tableau, Google Spreadsheet
